The adventure is over ! Widgetinfo is no longer supported
12/09/10 17:30
It has been more than four years since Widgetinfo offered its first widget for french newspapers. Due to the evolution of Mac Operating system, lack of time and users excpectations, i wont support and develop iActu anymore but will still be available !
I want to thanks everyone for his support and hope you enjoyed iActu offer.
Here a little preview of the old versions of Widgetinfo from: November 2005 to today !
I want to thanks everyone for his support and hope you enjoyed iActu offer.
Here a little preview of the old versions of Widgetinfo from: November 2005 to today !
iActu 2 release
05/05/08 15:43
After months of hard working, I'm glad to announce the release of the final version of iActu.
This version includes a lot of new features that change your experience of reading news:
+550 newspapers in one widget
View the today’s front page of any newspaper
Newspapers of 41 countries and the 50 states of U.S
Export the news to TextEdit and print it.
Your favorite Mac voice reads news to you in english !
Browse through iActu with your keyboard
This version includes a lot of new features that change your experience of reading news:

La grande surprise du Refurb!
08/01/08 18:56
J'ai commandé le premier janvier un MacBook Pro du Refurb Store (C2D 2GB 120GB) à 1549€ (j'ai utilisé un code promo de 30€), ça m'a pris même pas 10 min pour effectuer la commande. Deux jours après je le reçois dans un carton du Refurb depuis la Hollande ( apparemment les produits Apple France sont expédié depuis la Hollande). Bien sûr tout est inclus (le DVD de Léopard, iLife '08, iWork '08 ...).
Et là, quand je l'allume, à ma grande surprise je retrouve 4GB de RAM et 200GB de Disque dur !
Apple m'a fait un bon cadeau ce début d'année.
Tout semble marcher à merveille, je sens que j'ai vraiment fait l'affaire du siècle :p
Et là, quand je l'allume, à ma grande surprise je retrouve 4GB de RAM et 200GB de Disque dur !
Apple m'a fait un bon cadeau ce début d'année.
Tout semble marcher à merveille, je sens que j'ai vraiment fait l'affaire du siècle :p
Joyeux Anniversaire Adobe !
04/01/08 12:56

Depuis sa création, Adobe a toujours eu la volonté de transformer la manière de créer, de partager et d'interagir avec l'information à n'importe quel moment et depuis n'importe lieu. Avec une précision étonnante, Adobe a su anticiper les tendances de marché, depuis la normalisation des échanges de documents jusqu'à la façon de créer et de déployer du contenu. Cette révolution, qui a débuté il y a 25 ans avec l'industrie du prépresse, se poursuit à présent avec la communication numérique, les applications entreprises, les services Web, le design ou encore l'univers de la mobilité.
Voir le site des 25 ans >>
Get an iPhone
30/05/07 20:56
iPhone vs ZunePhone*
This video is a Parody of the ads "Get a Mac".
Get An IPhone - Awesome video clips here
* The ZunePhone is a fake.
This video is a Parody of the ads "Get a Mac".
Get An IPhone - Awesome video clips here
* The ZunePhone is a fake.
Photoshop CS3 Splash screen replacement
20/05/07 22:59
The icons and Splash screen of Photoshop CS3 is very simple !
How to change the Splash screen ?
- Go to /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS3.rsrc
- Make copy of this file ( recommanded ) .
- Open this file with the software ThemePark.
- Select the resource "PNGf" >> SplashArtBackground.png.
- Past the splash screen that you like.
- Save the resources file and relaunch Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Enjoy !
Download the .zip file >>
How to change the Splash screen ?
- Go to /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS3.rsrc
- Make copy of this file ( recommanded ) .
- Open this file with the software ThemePark.
- Select the resource "PNGf" >> SplashArtBackground.png.
- Past the splash screen that you like.
- Save the resources file and relaunch Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Enjoy !
Download the .zip file >>
Launching iActu USA Basic and Pro
10/05/07 00:00
This day, we launch the widget iActu USA in two version.
iActu is designed to benefit of Mac OS X power and technologies.
This widget renovate the way to knowing the news. He can speak, inform and print the news in one widget !
The selected newspapers are :
- The New York Times
- USA Today
- The Washington Times
- Los Angeles Times
- Chicago sun-times
- The Wall Street Journal
This widget has also a news ticker to show you the last informations in dynamic scroll bar !
The important newness is iActu Skins. You are able to custom iActu (Basic or Pro) with more than 16 skins. We develop installer software to apply the style on the widget.
The difference the two version:
- Standard: This is the free version. It show only the news of six newspapers.
- Professional : The commercial version (6,95$), this version have more features than Standard. It can read, inform and print the news, export to TextEdit, enlarge the font of the news and browse in the with keyboard thanks to shortcuts.
You will believe yourself in real kiosk !
Learn more about iActu USA Standard >>
Get Professional version >>
Custom iActu with skins >>
iActu is designed to benefit of Mac OS X power and technologies.
This widget renovate the way to knowing the news. He can speak, inform and print the news in one widget !
The selected newspapers are :
- The New York Times
- USA Today
- The Washington Times
- Los Angeles Times
- Chicago sun-times
- The Wall Street Journal
This widget has also a news ticker to show you the last informations in dynamic scroll bar !
The important newness is iActu Skins. You are able to custom iActu (Basic or Pro) with more than 16 skins. We develop installer software to apply the style on the widget.
The difference the two version:
- Standard: This is the free version. It show only the news of six newspapers.
- Professional : The commercial version (6,95$), this version have more features than Standard. It can read, inform and print the news, export to TextEdit, enlarge the font of the news and browse in the with keyboard thanks to shortcuts.
You will believe yourself in real kiosk !
Learn more about iActu USA Standard >>
Get Professional version >>
Custom iActu with skins >>